Webinars and Events
BLX/Orrick 2019 Post-Issuance Compliance Updates Webinar (COMPLETED 5/16/2019)
Orrick and BLX hosted a webinar on recent post-issuance compliance topics, including new rules and regulations, and audits relating to tax-exempt debt from experts who regularly interact with Treasury department officials and the IRS.
PDF of this presentation is available here: Post-Issuance Compliance: 2019 Updates From the Frontline
Please note: CPE Credits not applicable when viewing webinar. Credits were only available for live presentation on May 16, 2019.
For additional information on the webinar or the services BLX Group offers to assist you with your post-issuance compliance needs, please contact:
Cynthia Sixtos
[email protected]
213 612 2207