Webinars and Events
BLX/Orrick 2020 Post-Issuance Compliance Educational Webinar Series (COMPLETED 10/13/2020)
BLX and Orrick are pleased to present a 2020 Post-Issuance Compliance Educational Webinar Series. This Series offers timely discussions of topics related to post-issuance compliance and securities law for the public finance and 501(c)(3) communities who borrow on a tax-exempt basis.
Our team strives to make the discussion of tedious tax laws understandable and relatable.
The Series consists of the following webinars:
1-Post-Issuance Compliance Best Practices
COMPLETED ON August 19, 2020; 10 am PT / 1 pm ET (60 minutes)
(Replay available for purchase)
Alan Bond – BLX Group
Richard Chirls – Orrick
Barbara Jane League – Orrick
Sandee Stallings – BLX Group
Post-issuance tax compliance continues to be a focus of the IRS. Developing a program founded on best practices related to policies and procedures, private business use (“PBU”), arbitrage rebate, and other areas will equip organizations with the tools to withstand IRS scrutiny in this area.
This webinar will review the components of an effective post-issuance tax compliance program and discuss the benefits of such a program. In addition, this webinar will include a discussion of the items that should be included in written post-issuance tax compliance policies, the evolving expectations of the IRS with respect to such policies, and what organizations should be doing to update and modify policies that they have previously adopted.
2-Managing Private Business Use in Tax-Exempt Bond Financed Facilities
COMPLETED ON September 17, 2020; 10 am PT / 1 pm ET (60 minutes)
(Replay available for purchase)
Alan Bond – BLX Group
Andrea Ball – Orrick
Ed Oswald – Orrick
The federal tax rules and regulations relating to private business use (“PBU”) are complicated and can be difficult to understand. Complying with these rules relating to tax-exempt debt is critical to ensuring that the tax-exempt status of such debt is not compromised.
This webinar will provide a thorough review of the federal tax rules and tax-exempt bond regulations relating to PBU (and Unrelated Trade or Business Use for nonprofits), including certain safe harbors relating to management contracts and sponsored research agreements. The panelists will also discuss how funding a portion of a project with “qualified equity” will impact the calculation of PBU, and the exceptions available with respect to PBU. Understanding the relevant PBU restrictions and applicable exceptions will allow issuers and borrowers of tax-exempt bonds to make sound and prudent decisions about the activities occurring in their tax-exempt bond financed facilities.
3-IRS Schedule K Reporting for Nonprofit Organizations
COMPLETED ON September 30, 2020; 10 am PT / 1 pm ET (60 minutes)
(Replay available for purchase)
Alan Bond – BLX Group
Caleb Lansky – BLX Group
Aviva Roth – Orrick
Larry Sobel – Orrick
This webinar will provide a review of the 2019 IRS Schedule K with commentary on the information being requested on the form and on specific calculations required by nonprofit borrowers with respect to their outstanding tax-exempt bonds.
The panel will also discuss the relationship of certain questions on the form that may not be obvious to some and provide guidance with respect to answering specific questions. This webinar will allow 501(c)(3) organizations to more fully understand the information being provided to the IRS on an annual basis and why the information being requested is important to the IRS.
4-Continuing Disclosure in an Uncertain Environment
COMPLETED ON October 13, 2020; 10 am PT / 1 pm ET (60 minutes)
(Replay available for purchase)
Alan Bond – BLX Group
Jeff Higgins – BLX Group
Jenna Magan – Orrick
This session will provide an overview of recent events relating to SEC 15c2-12, including discussions surrounding statements by the SEC regarding COVID-19 related disclosures, implementation of recently adopted 15c2-12 event notices with emphasis on recent federal stimulus programs, and other related 15c2-12 issues.
This webinar will assist participants in navigating their continuing disclosure requirements under their CDAs and potential voluntary disclosure notices.
BLX and Orrick professionals will lead the program and assist participants with understanding the IRS and SEC regulations and requirements relating to tax-exempt debt. For more information on Orrick, please click here.
(Replays not eligible for CPE or MCLE Credit)
Individual webinar fee: $99
3 or more webinars: $249
As recommended by the IRS, make training a regular part of your organization’s post-issuance compliance program. Join us for this educational event.
For additional information or any questions on the Webinar Series and/or billing, please contact:
Cynthia Sixtos
[email protected]
or call 213-612-2207