Webinars and Events
Expiring 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Provisions and 2025 Tax Legislation Webinar (COMPLETED 9/24/2024)
Alan Bond, BLX (Moderator)
Justin Cooper, Orrick
Ed Oswald, Orrick
Emily Brock, GFOA
John Godfrey, APPA
Download the BLX-Orrick Tax Legislation Webinar Slide Deck
(Please note: Replay not eligible for CPE Credits.)
Tax-exempt bonds are the primary instrument that state and local government entities utilize to raise capital to finance a wide range of essential public projects. In addition, tax-exempt bonds are widely used by nonprofit organizations and certain private entities to finance capital projects. However, certain provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”), the largest tax revamp since 1986, are set to expire next year. Accordingly, tax legislation will be center stage in Washington, DC in 2025, presenting both opportunities and perils for the tax-exempt bond market.
Please join BLX and Orrick for this webinar where we will discuss:
- Benefits of Tax-Exemption for Municipal Bonds
- Washington – Update
- Expiring 2017 TCJA Provisions and the Related Implications
- 2025 – The Super Bowl of Federal Tax Policy
- Issuers and Borrowers of Tax-Exempt Bonds – How You Can Tell Your Story Regarding Municipal Bonds and Impact What Happens Regarding Infrastructure Financing
This 1-hour Webinar will take place on September 24 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET.
Make training a regular part of your organization’s post-issuance compliance program and join us for this educational event.
For additional information on the webinar or the services BLX Group offers to assist you with your post-issuance compliance needs, please contact:
Cynthia Sixtos
[email protected]
213 612 2207
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