The BLX Institute
What it is
Post-Issuance / Private Use Compliance
Compliance Timeline – Tax-Exempt New Money Issue
Tax-exempt bonds have numerous filing requirements and deadlines issuers and borrowers must comply with over the life of the bonds. The below timeline highlights compliance milestones related to arbitrage rebate compliance, private business use, and Schedule K filings (for nonprofit organizations).
BLX onCompliance
A monthly video series from BLX on compliance topics relevant to public finance and tax-exempt bonds.
BLX Alerts
A historical index of timely alerts based on relevant current events in public finance.
BLX is committed to continuing education and hosts webinars, on-site training, and workshops. For more information, please contact Cynthia Sixtos at [email protected] or 213.612.2207.
Continuing Disclosure – 5 Tips for Your Annual Filing (Christine Reynolds, Orrick) - NEW! - 12/18/2024
Issuers and conduit borrowers of municipal bonds have an ongoing obligation to provide certain information to the market after the initial issuance of the bonds, known as continuing disclosure or secondary market disclosure. The continuing disclosure agreement that obligated persons enter as part of a public offering ensures that investors receive annual updates to material financial and operating information relevant to the municipal bonds in which they have invested. Listen today for 5 tips for your annual continuing disclosure filing. (December 18, 2024)