Team BLX

Jessica Doherty

Associate Director - Dallas
Post-Issuance Compliance


Baylor University - BBA in Finance and Management, 2007

Jessica Doherty is an Associate Director with over 17 years of post-issuance regulatory compliance experience. Her responsibilities include preparing arbitrage rebate, yield restriction, and spending exception analyses. In addition to her background in arbitrage rebate and yield restriction compliance, Jessica has expanded her focus by assisting our post-issuance compliance services group in New York.

Her responsibilities for that group include the preparation of Schedule K Forms (i.e., attachments to Form 990) as well as the measurement of private use over the term of tax-exempt bonds for 501(c)(3) organizations and municipalities to ensure compliance with the full spectrum of their post-issuance requirements.
Since joining BLX, Jessica has prepared more than 2,300 arbitrage calculations for various municipal market participants.

Many of the bond issues she works on require complex analytical work, such as variable rate yield calculations, interest rate swaps, parity/pooled reserve fund allocations, debt service fund analyses, interest earnings analyses, and the uncommingling of multiple funds.

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